Thursday, April 2, 2015

OAM-Protect Apache index.html

++ Assuming you have APACHE server installed ++

++ Installing Webgate on Apache Server ++

1. Navigate to

2. My Middleware home - /home/app/Middleware/Apache22_WebgateR2PS2_Home

3. [oracle@iam-dev Middleware]$ mkdir -p /home/app/Middleware/wg_instance4Apache22

4. Deploy WebGate with ./ 

5. Setting Environment Variables
[oracle@iam-dev deployWebGate]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/app/Middleware/Apache22_WebgateR2PS2_Home/webgate/apache/lib

6. Login as ROOT
and navigate to /home/app/Middleware/Apache22_WebgateR2PS2_Home/webgate/apache/tools/setup/InstallTools

[root@iam-dev InstallTools]# sudo ./EditHttpConf -f /home/app/apache-2.2.29/conf/httpd.conf -w /home/app/Middleware/wg_instance4Apache22 -oh /home/app/Middleware/Apache22_WebgateR2PS2_Home -ws apache
The web server configuration file was successfully updated
/home/app/apache-2.2.29/conf/httpd.conf has been backed up as /home/app/apache-2.2.29/conf/httpd.conf.ORIG

7. Now, you could see the difference between original httpd conf and previous httpd conf files;

> include  "/home/app/apache-2.2.29/conf/webgate.conf"
\ No newline at end of file
[root@iam-dev InstallTools]#

8. Register the Webgate as 'oracle' user

[oracle@iam-dev input]$ pwd
[oracle@iam-dev input]$ cp /home/app/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/oam/server/rreg/input/OAM11GRequest.xml /home/app/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/oam/server/rreg/input/OAM11GRequest-Apache.xml

=Start OAM Managed server and run below webgate registration command=

[oracle@iam-dev rreg]$ bin/ inband input/OAM11GRequest-Apache.xml

== Below Success Output ==
Welcome to OAM Remote Registration Tool!
Parameters passed to the registration tool are:
Mode: inband
Filename: /home/app/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/oam/server/rreg/input/OAM11GRequest-Apache.xml
Enter admin username:weblogic
Username: weblogic
Enter admin password:        
Do you want to enter a Webgate password?(y/n):
Do you want to import an URIs file?(y/n):

Request summary:
OAM11G Agent Name:RREG_OAM11G
Base URL:http://iam-dev:9090
URL String:RREG_HostId11G
Registering in Mode:inband
Your registration request is being sent to the Admin server at: http://iam-dev:7001

Apr 01, 2015 12:21:09 PM disableAudit
INFO: JpsUtil: isAuditDisabled set to true
Inband registration process completed successfully! Output artifacts are created in the output folder.

== Copy Artifacts ==
Copy cwallet.sso and ObAccessClient.xml from the below path
[root@iam-dev RREG_OAM11G]# pwd
To WebGate Instance

== Trouble Shooting ==
1. Error 500/Oracle Access Manager Operation error/URL Not found
Login to OAM admin console and Add agent name into 'Hostidentifier'

1 comment:

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